Language and Education

noviembre 23, 2018 Jose Martinez 0 Comments

In the image above we have the differences and similarities between our Mother Tongue and our Second Language.

As humans, we learn language through exposure and interaction, in our mother tongue (L1) as well as in the second or foreign language (L2). The education process to learn a language takes place in a similar way.

The interaction and exposure we have in the L2 are not the same as in our L1 since we aren't located in a place where everyone talks an L2. On the other hand, language learning in education can be easier thanks to pedagogic methods, instructions or feedback.

The study of language has important implications in various educational arenas. An understanding of the structure, acquisition, and use of language is essential to the teaching of foreign and second languages, as well as to reading instruction. It can also promote a fuller understanding of language variation and use in the classroom and inform the often heated debates surrounding issues such as how to teach reading to children, bilingual education, and Ebonics. 

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